The balanced food processing plant produces
all daily meals necessary to meet the nutritional demand of the livestock. There is a
rigorous control of raw material quality as well as the verification of grains and
supplements entering the establishment.
The main objective is to ensure the quality and safety of raw material for a suitable food
production for cattle consumption and thus achieve a better end product. PACSA has leased
about 200 hectares of fields for growing different types of grains in order to improve
feed quality and optimize costs.
The balanced food is delivered from the processing plant to the feedlot facilities with a
dump truck. PACSA drivers are responsible for carrying daily demand of food to ensure the
correct replacement of the portions.
In November 2015 PACSA performs the necessary to automate the balanced
food processing plant. This improvement was a technology investment that ensures both
production times and final product quality. The plant automation enables strict control of
balanced food production and ensures the availability of the resource throughout the year.

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