PACSA feedlots are located at south of Santa
Fe province, in Pavón Arriba town. The feedlots are in the district rural area, and
limits west, east and south with farming fields. The company occupies a total of 29
hectares of different characteristics. The maximum total capacity of both feedlots is
currently 8,500 head of cattle.
Livestock production in feedlot provides benefits at different levels, to the producers,
allowing them to increase the production on a small area; to the town, generating
employment for the local community, and also the economical movements by means of the
acquisition of goods and services; and to the region with the possibility of satisfying a
large demand of meat throughout the year.
Feedlot is also possible through the use of grains and by-products for animal feed, which
will result in the generation of "added value", transforming grain into meat.
The feedlot meat production allows excellent quality, which is distinguished mainly by its
tenderness, pink meat color and white or cream fat. These features differentiate and
position it as the consumer first choice. "The feedlot homogenizes the finish
meat quality, allowing both industry and the consumer have every day of the year the same
quality of meat in the gondola, and this is, without being mentioned many times, one of
the great virtues of the system." (1)
Intensive livestock production can reach domestic demand of meat, so PACSA ranks as an
important link in the suppliers chain of meat at provincial and national level.
"Since 2009, according to SENASA data, the feedlot pens are responsible for at least
50% of the national slaughter for quality cuts." (2)
(1) - (2) Mr. Rodrigo Troncoso, "The Quality of Feedlot Meat. Opportunity or
Threat. Consumer and Markets Perception." Cámara Argentina de Feedlot (Argentine
Feedlot Chamber), 2012.